Monday, November 12, 2007

Dyeing Diva

I'm having WAYYY too much fun doing this ! Here's some of my favorites from the latest batch


Unknown said...

Awesome results. Very lovely. I hope you can blog some of the spun up results. I have dyed a bit but need to find some time in between spindle making and knitting. I am so intrigued in the results. Yours are truly great! Do you sell yours? I'd be interested in some.
Deb S from Wooly Knitpicks

Tina said...

Wow, just love those rovings! Will you keep all for yourself? ;)
Maybe you could write some on how you do it, I've only fiddled with dyeing a bit, but never got your results.

Anonymous said...

Wow! You're dyeing is excellent :) I think yours is going to be a new favorite site of mine so I can drool over the pictures of roving!

Sharon said...

Gorgeous! You are a dyeing maven!!