Saturday, October 27, 2007

Natural Dyeing

The second class I took was dyeing with natural extracts - we used cochineal, madder, fustic, Osage orange, lockwood and Indigo. We had 8 1oz skeins to dye. The cochineal we used Alum as the mordant and after we'd all dipped a skein the teacher added Cream of Tartar which turned the dye from burgundy/wine to a wonderful scarlet. I dyed two skeins in the Osage and then over-dyed one in the Indigo getting a wonderful leaf green. Judy is a WONDERFUL teacher and I'd love to take more classes with her.

1 comment:

Delighted Hands said...

Looks like my house this week-I finally did some serious dyeing and I , too, am bit by the bug-I haven't been back to the dyepot yet but I am anxious to and am thinking about it all the time!
Great work-never seen the braids-will give it a try--welcome aboard the spinning group!